How the Newsfeed Algorithm Works

We have been working on automating large parts of the content ordering on since our responsive redesign in Dec ’12. This has grown from managing a few widgets across the site to controlling the majority of the homepage. The below describes the process we went through to achieve this. The first step was to […]

SQL script for easy 301 redirect WordPress blog htaccess

I have just setup some 301 redirects in order to remove /development from the URL of my blog and wrote a handy piece of SQL to simplify 301 redirect WordPress blog htaccess. Once you have made the changes you can update your redirects /wp-admin/options-permalink.php. The reason I am redirecting to the guid which is the […]

WordPress Multisite Change Domain Name of Subsite using SQL

I have been working on migrating a website I did for a friend a while ago from an old ASP.NET application I built to my WordPress Amazon EC2 Instance over the last few weekends as the old server we were using for hosting is being retired. I have been working on a temporary domain whilst […]